we care!

Today, in our church, those people who completed rehabilitation had 177 weddings and more than 200 children were born. Therefore, children’s consideration is strategically important for our church. We constantly make for our children children’s parties, conferences and camps. We teach them in Sunday schools and believe that they will have a great spiritual influence on Israel.

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Our kids love to play

The children’s ministry in the Living Israel church is one of the main ministries.

They love to pray

The main goal of the ministry is to reach hearts of children who come from Christian families as well as children who come with the written permission of their parents or legal representatives and help them to reach out towards Jesus Christ.

Our ministers

Weekly children’s church service takes place in parallel with an adult’s Church Service, and is attended by more than 30 children. On holidays, it reaches about 50 children of age 1 to 12 years. The staff of the ministers is about 14 people over 18 years old. The main vision of this ministry is spreading the Gospel. We are deeply convinced that faith “is not inherited.” Anyone who comes to this world needs to personally meet and get to know Jesus Christ and make his own decision to follow Him.

Living Israel is guiding the youth of Israel to a saving knowledge of Yeshua the Messiah, teaching them to be rooted in the Word, challenging them to serve the Lord, and encouraging them to connect with their congregational community.